RTeamworks, Inc.
Software Engineering Consulting Services
Experience makes the difference


Tool Support
Team Building

Our consulting and contract services focus around the following areas:

RTeamworks' team members are focused on results and providing value.  Allow us to talk with you to determine how we can help to enhance your organization or project.

Our team has a unique ability to ramp up quickly on technical issues and be productive solving problems or adding value.  This is possible because of the caliber of the people we have on our team.

We can you help wade through the flood of hype surrounding software and hardware technologies and techniques.  Unfortunately, too many organizations buy into products, methodologies, or techniques they do not understand nor are prepared to use.  Significant schedule time, effort, and cost are wasted.  Often these organizations have no idea where the problem lies or how to fix it. 

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Copyright © 2005 RTeamworks, Inc.            Last modified:  10/17/2012







OO Software Architecture - Object-Oriented Software Architecture - Unified Modeling Language - UML - Object-Oriented Software Programming - Object-Oriented Methodology - Model Driven Development - MDD - Model Driven Architecture - MDA - Visual Modeling - Executable Models - Executable UML -  Real-Time Software - Real-Time Systems - Real-Time Software Architecture - Booch Methodology - Architectural Patterns - Embedded Systems - Embedded Software - Cross Development - Software Development - Real-Time Software Development - Consulting - Expert - Contracting - Auto Code Generation - Test Generation - Test Automation - Auto Documentation Generation - Ada Programming Language - C++ Programming Language - C Programming Language - Pictures to Code - Technology - Rose RT Training - Rose RealTime Training, Jobs - Software Engineering Positions -  Huntsville Jobs - Employment