RTeamworks, Inc.
Software Engineering Consulting Services
Experience makes the difference



Technical Team Building

As our name implies, we believe in teams. Increasing productivity and product quality cannot be achieved by just improving process and tool automation. It is also affected by the people on a project, the organization's culture, how tools are used, and how technical and management decision are made based on priorities and risk.

Software engineering requires highly motivated, intelligent, and resourceful people. Not all company cultures provide the right atmosphere to bring a project team together and to work toward a common set of goals and objectives. Technical people appreciate good and highly respectable technical leadership, like the kind that RTeamworks can provide.

Key Benefits

  • Improve moral
  • Utilize everyone's talent and avoid the need for hero programmers
  • Build a culture of cooperation and fun that retains valuable people and results in higher productivity and quality


  • Technical mentoring on problem domain, and software engineering and tool technology
  • Helping management deal with decisions and establishing consistent application of priorities and risk mitigation

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Copyright © 2005 RTeamworks, Inc.            Last modified:  10/22/07







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