RTeamworks, Inc.
Software Engineering Consulting Services
Experience makes the difference



Tool Support, including Customization and Automation

The use of software development tools is both beneficial and a burden to a project.  RTeamworks can help you maximize benefit and minimize the burden.  How that is done effectively depends on every organization and project, as well as the particular tools involved.  The organization's mission, objectives and priorities influence the selection and deployment of tools.

"Objective" and "honest" describes our relationship with clients and vendors.

Tool Customization and Automation

In today's competitive market, companies demand higher productivity and quality while continuing to control overall costs.  However, in the past, software development organizations have only realized a small fraction of the quality and productivity enhancements promised by development tools. 

The reason this has happened is complicated.

RTeamworks consultants help organizations identify their tool use and automation objectives.  We help our clients wade through the hype and technical jargon to understand which tool technologies or techniques are appropriate and which vendors offer tools that best fit the need.

When COTS software engineering or infrastructure tools do not meet the needs of a project, or the project offers a unique opportunity to make use of custom tool automation it is a good time to apply special tool building skills. Every situation is different and opportunities to automate a process or activity aren't always obvious. RTeamworks has a lot of experience taking advantage of available and new tool technologies to directly improve results and reduce costs.

General Tool Support

IBM/Rational has a significant market share in several key software engineering tool categories. Their tools are sophisticated and powerful. Put another way, they are complicated and require a long learning curve. The key to successful deployment of any software engineering tool, especially IBM/Rational tools, is bridging the gap between tool and issues in the problem domain in which they are used. Rational can provide tools specific support after tool acquisition. However, call upon RTeamworks to help adapt and deploy the tools to the specific project domain environment.

Key Benefits

  • Approach the real ROI, software product quality, and development productivity promised and expected.
  • Mature your organization's ability to develop and test software
  • Lower risk and increase your ability to predict schedule and cost
  • Improve productivity
  • Achieve or improve your ROI
  • Save cost


  • Help in the selection and evaluation of software tool
  • Plan, deploy and maintain software tool environment
  • Develop custom training courses
  • Identify opportunities within an organization or project to accelerate work, simplify activities, improve results, lower defects/errors, increase productivity and quality through tool use, customization and automation.
  • Design and implement tool customization or automation
  • Identify and implement ways to deal with information more effectively

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Copyright © 2005 RTeamworks, Inc.            Last modified:  10/22/07







OO Software Architecture - Object-Oriented Software Architecture - Unified Modeling Language - UML - Object-Oriented Software Programming - Object-Oriented Methodology - Model Driven Development - MDD - Model Driven Architecture - MDA - Visual Modeling - Executable Models - Executable UML -  Real-Time Software - Real-Time Systems - Real-Time Software Architecture - Booch Methodology - Architectural Patterns - Embedded Systems - Embedded Software - Cross Development - Software Development - Real-Time Software Development - Consulting - Expert - Contracting - Auto Code Generation - Test Generation - Test Automation - Auto Documentation Generation - Ada Programming Language - C++ Programming Language - C Programming Language - Pictures to Code - Technology - Rose RT Training - Rose RealTime Training, Jobs - Software Engineering Positions -  Huntsville Jobs - Employment