RTeamworks, Inc.
Software Engineering Consulting Services
Experience makes the difference


Resume - Tim
Resume - Susan


RTeamworks is a small company, based in Huntsville, Alabama.   Our team members have very strong technical backgrounds as well as vast experience in developing complex systems.

Tim Coddington, co-founder, chief consultant and software architect, has over 30 years experience in both software and hardware system development.  His experience spans commercial avionics, military command and control, missile tracking, and military equipment robotics.  Tim specializes in development involving real-time systems, embedded, safety-critical, performance assessment and tuning, object-oriented methodologies and UML, as well as the application of software engineering tools and software architecture.

Susan Coddington, co-founder, senior consultant and software engineer has been involved in a wide range of successful projects, from satellite tracking and military telephone link applications to Army tank armament robotics.  She has a significant amount of experience engineering software systems using the Ada programming language.  In addition to her real-time work, she has developed tools for many projects using VBA and scripting languages.


Object-oriented software architecture, driven with tool automation

Expert in

  • Real-time computer systems. Embedded systems.
  • Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), in particular using UML
  • Model Driven Development and Model Driven Architecture (MDA)
  • Using Rational Rose family of visual modeling tools, in particular using Rose Real-Time
  • Perl, C++ and Ada software development
  • Performance analysis, in particular Rate Monotonic Analysis

Significant experience and very knowledgeable in

  • Track Management techniques and systems
  • Air and Missile defense systems
  • Most of Rational tools (Clearcase, RequisitePro, ClearQuest, SoDA, etc)
  • Safety critical systems
  • Radar Sensors
  • Model and simulation of missile hardware for the purpose testing
  • Hardware design, microcontroller based devices
  • Software engineering process and procedures
  • Test process development and automation
  • Database applications and systems
  • C, Ada, Java, Visual Basic, and many other 4th/5th generation languages
  • Development and delivery of computer related training courses
  • Technical and team mentoring
  • Setup and administering Unix and Windows platforms
  • Automated testing techniques and custom tool development
  • Automated code generation techniques
  • Tool customization

Other expertise we offer

  • Technical writing
  • Ada software development
  • Visual Basic development
  • .NET and Windows based development

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Copyright © 2005 RTeamworks, Inc.            Last modified:  10/22/07







OO Software Architecture - Object-Oriented Software Architecture - Unified Modeling Language - UML - Object-Oriented Software Programming - Object-Oriented Methodology - Model Driven Development - MDD - Model Driven Architecture - MDA - Visual Modeling - Executable Models - Executable UML -  Real-Time Software - Real-Time Systems - Real-Time Software Architecture - Booch Methodology - Architectural Patterns - Embedded Systems - Embedded Software - Cross Development - Software Development - Real-Time Software Development - Consulting - Expert - Contracting - Auto Code Generation - Test Generation - Test Automation - Auto Documentation Generation - Ada Programming Language - C++ Programming Language - C Programming Language - Pictures to Code - Technology - Rose RT Training - Rose RealTime Training, Jobs - Software Engineering Positions -  Huntsville Jobs - Employment