RTeamworks, Inc.
Software Engineering Consulting Services
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Building Executable Models Using Rose© RealTime

Course Overview
This course is designed to teach the basic skills necessary to use Rose RealTime (RRT) to build executable models.  RRT is a powerful tool with many features that support all phases of software development, from Systems Engineering all the way through Implementation and Test.  In addition to the basic skill, the instructor will use his extensive experience and knowledge to put all of the analysis and design activities in perspective, so that proper and deliberate thought is employed while using RRT.  An understanding of the basic steps in object-oriented analysis and design are covered early in the course.  From there, the student goes through a series of parts that deal with the analysis and design of structural and behavior elements--first from an introductory level, then intermediate and then again at a more advanced level.  The instructor is very adept at using examples from the customer's business domain to help students understand basic and advanced principles.

Students with working knowledge of OOAD concepts and practices, real-time, and UML will do better--the more they know the better.  This is NOT a beginner modeling/programming course.  The lab exercises are carefully designed to draw upon an individual's analysis and design skills.  The instructor is skilled at dealing with students of varying skill levels and experience.

This five day course is complete with lectures and lab exercises.

Part 1 – Real-Time Systems
Review of basic real-time concepts relevant to modeling real-time systems; challenges to real-time development and how this course and model driven development helps solve them; UML; executable models; model views; basic software engineering principles applied to modeling; passive versus active modeling; finite state machines; introduction to real-time profile to UML.

Part 2 – Basic Analysis Work Flow
Analysis work flow for building executable models with Rose® RealTime; modeling heuristics; best practices; topical overview of use-case analysis.

Part 3 – Basic Design Work Flow
Design work flow for building executable models with Rose® RealTime; modeling heuristics; best practices; class view versus interaction view; model design refinement.

Part 4 – Introduction to Rose® RealTime
Rose® RealTime GUI; key aspects of the RRT environment such as model repository, diagrams, specifications;  model and workspace files; browsers and browser views; controlling the RRT environment; RRT gotchas; diagrams types and tool boxes; RRT configuration options.

Part 5 – Real-Time Profile for UML –Structure Modeling Basics
Introduction to the basic concepts in RRT that support the Real-Time Profile for UML, such as Capsules, Protocols, Ports, and Connectors; diagrams to support modeling RT-UML structure and behavior; use of components and deployment view elements to build executability.

Part 6 – Real-Time Profile for UML –Behavior Modeling Basics
Explore capsule behavior implemented through finite state machines; modeling state driven behavior; state machine states, transitions, and actions; action code.

Part 7 – Run-Time Services
Rose® RealTime run-time services overview; log services; communication services; timer services; basic introduction to frame services; asynchronous send versus synchronous send; supporting concepts and constructs for design and testing.

Part 8 – Modeling Complex Structure
Capsule structure; sub-capsules; Aggregation, Attribute, and Operation tool wizards;  relay ports versus end ports; capsule structure hierarchies; port cardinality; containment view.

Part 9 – Modeling Complex Behavior
Capsule state machines; hierarchical state machines; RRT state machine mechanics; internal versus external self-transitions; transition; run-to-completion semantics; insight into how communication services works.

Part 10 – Using Inheritance
Structure inheritance; behavior inheritance; caveats, limitations, and best practices; inheritance view; overriding base class features.

Part 11 – Object-Oriented Software Architecture
Software architecture issues; architecture layering; architecture design conventions for hierarchy, abstractions, and dependencies; model organization; packages; interfaces; documentation conventions; naming conventions; best practices.

Part 12 – Modeling Dynamic Structure and Behavior
Dynamic model structure; Plug-in and Optional capsule roles; importation and deportation; multiple containment; RTS and debugging dynamic behavior.

Part 13 – Concurrency
Modeling concurrency; physical and software threads; processes and executable deployment; run-time frame service; components; brief overview of RTS PeerController; implementing IPC.

Part 14 – Team Development
Rose® RealTime Controlled Units; model sharing, import and export; configuration management basics as they relate to RRT models; Path Maps; managing external code and resources.

Part 15 – Integration
Integrating external components into RRT; use external code.

Part 16 – Testing
Introduction to auto test generation in RRT; specification sequence diagrams; auto generating test harnesses.

Part 17 – Open Topics
Discussion of any number of possible topics, including those that prove more challenging to students during the course but were deferred; Any “advanced” topics raised during the course or arranged for ahead of time can be covered during this time;  complete lab exercises; demonstration of certain RRT features not covered in detail during the course.

Rose© RealTime, officially called Rational Rose Realtime, is a registered trademark of IBM in the United States

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Copyright © 2005 RTeamworks, Inc.            Last modified:  10/22/07







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